About Me

The Basics

I'm a graphic designer, web producer wannabe, video game reviewer, blogger, and part-time photographer. As I say on my blog, I live a life dominated by pixels.

The Details

I'm a born-and-bred Kentucky boy who isn't from the farm even though that is what everyone thinks Kentucky is. No, I'm from this place ... and we pronounce it Lou-a-vull for those wanting to know.

I always wanted to be in the journalism industry ever since my mother showed me this movie. Idealistic and silly, I know, but that was what got me hooked, and if the same person who showed me that movie at a young age also showed me this one, chances were strong that she had the right idea in mind for me.

After some child rearing I went to UK (not Britain, mind you, this one), and from there moved to Tampa and then Washington, DC, to work at newspaper organizations. I later spent five years at a nonprofit as their art director, but recently decided to re-enter the journalism world but in a different capactity, leaving behind the art department and instead working on the website for The Washingtonian magazine.

In my spare time, when I'm not knee deep in killing zombies or winning another title in FIFA 12, I like reading books, play golf, writing blog posts about my life, and hanging out with my wife and two dogs at our house in Takoma Park, MD. I'd love to be living the good life in Maui but sadly I haven't had the Brinks truck pull up to my house and deliver that sack of cash I've been dreaming about. So instead I'll just keep on living day by day and hoping the karma turns in my favor some day.

The Getting in Touch

I encourage you to use the Contact page to send me an email about design, video games, photography, or my impersonation of Johnny from Airplane!. I've got thoughts on all that stuff, and more.